

GlobalGAP (Good Agricultural Practices) is an organization that sets voluntary standards for the certification of safe and sustainable agricultural practices worldwide. Its main objective is to promote the adoption of agricultural practices that are environmentally friendly, safe for workers, and healthy for consumers. These standards cover a wide range of aspects related to agricultural production, including crop management, food safety, and environmental conservation.

GlobalGAP certification is internationally recognized and sought after by agricultural producers aiming to demonstrate compliance with high standards in their operations. Obtaining GlobalGAP certification has enabled us to open doors to both domestic and international markets and increase consumer confidence in our fruit.

Caro Guarnieri SAS obtained its first GlobalGAP certification in 2020. Currently, our cultivation is certified under GlobalGAP IFA 5.4.


GRASP (GlobalGAP Risk Assessment on Social Practice) is an extension of GlobalGAP that specifically focuses on the assessment of social practices in agricultural operations. This standard addresses aspects related to labor welfare, occupational health, safety  and workers’ rights in agricultural projects.


GRASP provides agricultural producers with a tool to assess and improve their social practices, addressing issues such as labor equity, working conditions, fair remuneration, access to healthcare, and housing, among others.


Caro Guarnieri SAS obtained its first GRASP certification in 2023 under GRASP 1.3-1.


The BPA (Good Agricultural Practices) certification from the ICA (Colombian Agricultural Institute) is a recognition awarded to agricultural projects in Colombia that comply with a set of standards and procedures designed to ensure safe, sustainable, and high-quality agricultural production.

This certification is based on a series of criteria covering various aspects of agricultural production, including:

Crop management: Practices related to planting, pest and disease management, irrigation, fertilization, and crop harvesting.

Soil management: Practices to conserve soil quality, such as crop rotation, moisture conservation, and erosion prevention.

Input use: Regulations on the responsible use of agrochemicals, fertilizers, and other agricultural inputs.

Occupational health and safety: Standards to ensure safe and healthy working conditions for agricultural workers.

Environmental management: Criteria to minimize the environmental impact of agricultural activities, including the protection of natural resources such as water and biodiversity.

ICA’s BPA certification is important as it allows us to demonstrate compliance with quality and sustainability standards in our operations. It also facilitates access to national and international markets that demand products certified with high standards of quality and food safety.

Morao Arándanos obtained its BPA ICA certification in 2021. This certification is renewed annually.


This concept refers to the authorization granted by the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) to produce and export agricultural products under certain specific standards and regulations, ensuring the quality and healthiness of products intended for international trade.

For a farm to be considered an “Exporting Property” by ICA, it must comply with a series of requirements and procedures, including:

Good Agricultural Practices (BPA) Certification: The property must comply with the BPA standards established by ICA to ensure the safe and high-quality production of agricultural products.

Registration with ICA: The owner or manager of the property must register the farm with ICA and comply with traceability and health requirements established by the entity.

Phytosanitary requirements compliance: The property must comply with phytosanitary regulations established by ICA to prevent the spread of pests and diseases that may affect agricultural production and international trade.

Training and technical assistance: The personnel on the property must receive training and technical assistance from ICA to ensure compliance with the necessary requirements and procedures for the export of agricultural products.

Morao Arándanos obtained this authorization in 2019, and it is valid for 5 years.


Refers to the authorization granted by the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) for the production and export of vegetables, fruits, or other agricultural products, so that the cultivation facilities comply with the health and safety standards required by importing countries. These facilities must comply with rigorous phytosanitary and quality regulations to ensure that the agricultural products exported meet the requirements of international markets.

Exporting plants may include both food processing facilities (such as packers, fruit and vegetable processing plants, etc.) and agricultural farms dedicated to the production of agricultural products for export.

This authorization is currently in process.


Certification granted by the Fundación Grupo Bancolombia in 2023 to Caro Guarnieri SAS – Morao Arándanos in the 4th cohort of the En-Campo program, in which we received mentoring, expert guidance, specialized training, and valuable connections, allowing us to sustainably strengthen and accelerate our business and increase our impact.

Carbon Footprint

Caro Guarnieri SAS – Morao Arándanos, in collaboration with Preserva, has estimated the carbon footprint of its blueberry production for the year 2023 using Carbon Space satellite technology. The estimated carbon footprint considering the direct emissions and removals of the organization for that year was XXXXXXXtCO2e. This indicates that within the stated boundaries, the organization is carbon negative/positive (to be defined).

For more information, contact Preserva at info@preserva.bio or visit www.preserva.bio, representative for Colombia of www.carbonspace.tech.

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